MEET THE BAND: Mark Montijo - Guitar & Vocals

Meet Mark Montijo, our Guitar/Vocals.

Mark has lived in trailers, tipis, mansions, & been homeless. Trash can & fancy restaurant meals; holding the tension of opposites, like string to fret.

Mark’s plugged his guitar on stages from dumps (no, really, an actual dump) to The Whiskey, Troubadour, the 18,000 seat L.A. Forum, and all manner of stages in dives, clubs, & honky tonks.

His mother bought him his first guitar with Green Stamps & he started playing bars at sixteen. He has played guitar with many country, blues, R&B artists, including Bobby Mandolph, Etta James, Billy Foster, Howard Werth, Dee McKinnie, and has been the front man for his own band, Dogs on Fire, which opened for Duran Duran.
